31 July 2012

Arbitrator vs Cyclone

Quick combat evaluation.

I have been flying an Arbitrator in low sec this last week. Not the one I have described on this blog earlier but  a tracking disruptor and nano version. It still does about 370 DPS with a 17k tank and 1425 km/s. The biggest downside for me is its cap. It doesn't have a large reserve of that so running the MWD too long isn't really an option ( which is prob not a good thing on a kiting ship^^). Decent I'd say on paper so I wanted to try it in real combat.

Today I got my chance vs a  Cyclone. He jumped into a system  with me and I decided to warp to a planet at 70km while trying to make it obvious where I was warping to. So I picked one of the 'outer rim' planets not one near the sun.

He shortly followed me after. My strategy with this ship is to kite while mitigating his DPS with my TD and let my drones and own 2 turrets do the damage. So I warped to 70km thinking he would warp to 0m. Unfortunately he managed to land right on top of me and scrammed me before I could manage to get out of scram range. So first part of my tactics had fallen to peaces already but.. it wasn't lost yet so I activated my TD , launched my drones and piloted my ship to fly away from him to see how the fight would develop. Then his drones jammed me... And I was jammed most of the fight. I managed to regain lock when I was in about 20% shields but at that moment I was still in scram range. Unable to get away my ship slowly died. I did manage to get some distance between me by clever piloting which delayed my inevitable demise for longer that I had expected. But die it did. Goodbye Arbitrator.

 Thinking back there are a couple of things that I could have done better. One; once I had landed at the planet I aligned to the gate where I came from ( and the gate the cyclone was coming from) . So it might have been that he warped to 100km and that I had flow back in the same path that he was coming from making it more likely that he would land closer to me. It would have been better if I had made a 90 degree turn and burned away for a bit from the trajectory he was coming from. There is always a chance that someone will come in at unpredicted distances so it is safer to burn of in a different direction.

Secondly I should have had drones on my overview. I didn't because I like to de clutter my overview as much as possible and I have a separate tab for drones but now I didn't see the drones fast enough so I could not respond to him launching ECM till I was too late.

And I should have launched my drones before he landed. It was clear we were going to fight, why didn;t I?! Ah well.. Mistakes will be made.

It sucks being pawned like that though.. damn. Anyways, tomorrow is another day for another fight.

Glad to fly an Abry again, btw. I Love it so, I hope I can make it work with the new drone mod.

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